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Explore the Association

Hello Alumni and Friends,

You are invited to join the Hoke County Alumni Association!  The mission for the Association shall be to work for the growth and development of the many special needs of the Hoke County community; foster scholarship funds and educational programs; further enhance a harmonious relationship of present students, former students, and friends of the organization; develop a perspective of the schools and community programs; and keep abreast of the community needs and projections for the future.


When was the Association established?  Hoke County Alumni Association was founded on May 4, 2010, filed with North Carolina on July 14, 2010 and a federal non-profit (501c3) organization as of February 1, 2018.

What is Hoke County Alumni Association?  It is an organization that will foster relationships, inspire and give back to the students, school and community by collaborative efforts to make positive improvement in Hoke County. 

Will the Association events replace my class reunions?  No.  However, the Association annual events will be a great venue to reunite as a class.  Please encourage your class organizers to contact Hoke County Alumni Association for more information. 

Who can join?  Hoke High Alumni, SandHoke Alumni, Upchurch Alumni,  Hawk Eye Alumni,  teachers and Community. 

How can I join? Fill out registration form and contribute the annual donation fee of $25 annual fee or $300 lifetime fee.

With your help the Association has given Scholarships, donated to the community and hosted events to foster relationships of Alumni.  Join us... you will help make a difference.  

To Join Hoke County Alumni Association 

**Click HCAA Online Link below and create an account to become a member. **

If you don't have an account yet, please click HCAA Online below and look for create account.  If you need help, please ask the HCAA Officers or Membership Director.

Donate Today

Change starts with you!  Help the Schools and Community of Hoke County foster relationships and fund a Scholarship.  All donations are tax deductiable.

HCAA Scholarship

The Hoke County Alumni Association, Inc awarded $1000 in scholarships at the HCHS Senior Awards Night program. We would like to Congratulate our recipients 🦌❤️🖤🦌


Scholarship Recipients (Not pictured)  were:


Randolph Sanders 500.00

Ayauna Williams $500.00


Hoke County Alumni T-Shirts Coming Soon -  Thanks for your patience.

What's Happening ...

Hello Alumni,


Please join us for 2024/2025 HCAA Homecoming Festivities - Hoke County Alumni Tailgate on Friday, October 11, 2024 at 6pm and the All Black Alumni Party October 12, 2024 at 9pm.  For more details, please see flyers below or follow us on Facebook - Hoke County Alumni page for realtime updates.


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